India has 64 Mha under forests, of which 72% are tropical moist decidu
ous, dry deciduous, and wet evergreen forest. Projected changes in tem
perature, rainfall, and soil moisture are considered at regional level
for India under two scenarios, the first involving greenhouse gas for
cing, and the second, sulphate aerosols. Under the former model, a gen
eral increase in temperature and rainfall in all regions is indicated.
This could potentially result in increased productivity, and shift fo
rest type boundaries along attitudinal and rainfall gradients, with sp
ecies migrating from lower to higher elevations and the drier forest t
ypes bring transformed to moister types. The aerosol model, however, i
ndicates a more modest increase in temperature and a decrease in preci
pitation in central and northern India, which would considerably stres
s the forests in these regions. Although India seems to have stabilize
d the area under forest since 1980, anthropogenic stresses such as liv
estock pressure, biomass demand for fuelwood and timber, and the fragm
ented nature of forests will all affect forest response to changing cl
imate. Thus, forest area is unlikely to expand even if climatically su
itable, and will probably decrease in parts of northeast India due to
extensive shifting cultivation and deforestation. A number of general
adaptation measures to climate change are listed.