I. Giblin et al., THE PROPERTIES OF FRAGMENTS FROM CATASTROPHIC DISRUPTION EVENTS, Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962), 134(1), 1998, pp. 77-112
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Astronomy & Astrophysics
ISSN journal
Year of publication
77 - 112
SICI code
We report and discuss the results from a series of catastrophic disrup tion experiments involving 21-cm spherical targets of alumina cement. These experiments were performed in the open air using a contact charg e technique to simulate an impact at similar to 6 km/s, typical of col lision velocities between asteroids in the main belt. The 1992 experim ents reported here, the most recent in an extensive experimental progr am initiated by Giuseppe Martelli before his death in 1994, follow dir ectly from those described in I. Giblin et al. (1994a, Icarus 110, 203 -224), with a number of improvements to our instrumentation and analys is. By using two high-speed cameras at a mutual angle of 60 degrees we have made possible a three-dimensional analysis of fragment velocitie s alongside the standard size, shape, ejection angle and rotation rate measurements which can easily be made from appropriately oriented sin gle film records. In this paper we report on the results of the 1992 e xperiments, together with various unpublished data from 1989. We make a comparison between these sets of data and between our data and those of other researchers in this field. Also, we compare our results to t hose of the most recent semi-empirical model (SEM) of P, Paolicchi et al. (1996, Icarus 121, 126-157) and to appropriate data concerning rea l asteroids, focusing on the dynamical families, which are believed to be remnants from the catastrophic disruption of precursor asteroids. A secondary purpose of this paper is to document our experiences and t echniques in the implementation and analysis of these experiments. We find considerable variation in the slope of the fragment size distribu tion, even between closely similar experiments. Fragments are found to be slightly flatter and/or more elongated than those from some previo us work, but in agreement with the previous study mentioned above. Fra gment velocities are generally between 4 and 20 m/s with a few fast fr agments observed up to 35 m/s. Only a weak correlation is found in eit her linear or angular velocity versus mass. We also test for the exist ence of a possible ''radiant point'' from which fragment velocities ap proximately originate and find that although it serves as a useful com ponent in a model of the break-up, the location of such a point is not constant in our experiments. (C) 1998 Academic Press