Current knowledge of intraspecific variation of mangrove species is li
mited in terms of rangewide distributions and is mostly restricted to
morphological analyses, which have indicated a high degree of homogene
ity. However, our analyses of the aliphatic hydrocarbon and triterpeno
id fraction of foliar waxes (by gas chromatography and mass spectrosco
py) of mangrove species (Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans and La
guncularia racemosa) from Gabon in West Africa and French Guiana in So
uth America show significant genetic differentiation between eastern a
nd western Atlantic provenances. The greater diversity in lipid compos
ition, and the tendency for longer carbon chain lengths in all taxa fr
om Africa, may suggest that American mangroves exhibit derived charact
eristics. A consequence of this hypothesis would be that Atlantic mang
roves are unlikely to have dispersed from the Tethys via the Pacific,
as has been proposed by some authors. More widespread sampling within
the Atlantic and east Pacific region is needed to support and confirm
these results. (C) Elsevier, Paris.