The coupling of composition changes and ordering at the initial stage
of interdiffusion is considered. Both phenomenological and microscopic
approaches are used. In the phenomenological model diffusivity is ass
umed to depend exponentially on the local order parameter. Relaxation
of local order is described by linearized reaction with equilibrium or
der depending on local composition. This scheme leads to nonmonotonous
ordering for a certain range of parameters. Monte Carlo simulations o
f ordering in the process of interdiffusion for square and triangular
lattices give similar results. Moreover, local blinking of ordered dom
ains is observed in the contact zone. It was specially checked that no
nmonotonous ordering is typical for nonhomogeneous systems. The magnit
ude of deviations from the monotonous ordering depends on the initial
concentration step at the interface of diffusion couple. [S0163-1829(9