The 5.8 S subunit and flanking internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regio
ns in nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) from spores of Glomus mosseae FL156
and UK118 were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using ITS
1 and ITS4 as primers. The amplification product from template DNA of
UK118 was cloned and sequenced (569 bp); the amplified DNA from FL156
was sequenced directly (582 bp). There was a 95% sequence similarity b
etween DNAs amplified from the two isolates; in contrast, major dissim
ilarities with partial sequences of seven other glomalean taxa were ob
served. Four oligonucleotide sequences unique to Glomus mosseae were i
dentified as potential primers. Their specificity to Glomus mosseae wa
s assessed by PCR amplification of genomic DNA from spores from 36 glo
malean fungi: 13 isolates of Glomus mosseae, two Glomus monosporum, 10
other Glomus isolates, and 11 other glomalean taxa from each of four
other genera. The Glomus mosseae isolates were from a broad range of t
emperate zone agricultural soils. Oligonucleotide pair GMOS1:GMOS2 pri
med specific amplification of an oligonucleotide sequence (approximate
ly 400 bp) present in all Glomus mosseae isolates and two isolates of
the closely related Glomus monosporum. This primer pair did not prime
PCR when the template consisted of DNA from any of the other glomalean
fungi or any of the nonmycorrhizal controls. In addition, a 24-mer ol
igonucleotide, designated GMOS5, hybridized with Glomus mosseae and Gl
omus monosporum DNA amplified by PCR using primer pairs ITS1:ITS4 and
GMOS1:GMOS2, Colony-blot assays showed that GMOS5 hybridized to 100% a
nd 97% of E. coli pUC19 clones of amplification products from Glomus m
osseae FL156 and UK118 DNA templates, respectively, indicating that ne
arly all clones contained an homologous sequence. GMOS5 was used succe
ssfully to detect specifically Glomus mosseae in DNA extracted from co
lonized sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense L.) roots and amplified by PCR
using the primer pair GMOS1:GMOS2. The results confirm several previou
s indications that Glomus mosseae and Glomus monosporum are indistingu
ishable taxonomic entities.