Previous psychophysical and neuroimaging studies suggest that perceivi
ng the handedness of a visually presented hand depends on sensorimotor
processes that are specific to the limb of the stimulus and that may
be controlled by the cerebral hemisphere contralateral to the limb. Th
erefore, it was hypothesized that disconnection between cerebral hemis
pheres would disrupt mental simulation of a hand presented to the ipsi
lateral, but not the contralateral, hemisphere. This hypothesis was ex
amined by the present study in which two callosotomy patients and eigh
t healthy controls judged the handedness of drawings of left and right
hands in various positions, without moving or inspecting their own ha
nds. Stimuli were presented for 150 msec in the right or left visual h
emifield. As predicted, for each hemisphere, patients' accuracy was hi
gh when the hand was contralateral to the perceiving hemisphere, but i
t was not above chance when it was ipsilateral to the perceiving hemis
phere. Controls' accuracy was high in both conditions. Response time a
nalyses indicate patients, like controls, mentally simulated reaching
into stimulus postures. When the stimulus laterality was ipsilateral t
o the perceiving hemisphere, patients imagined the hand contralateral
to the perceiving hemisphere reaching into the stimulus posture but di
d not detect the mismatch, guessing with a response bias or responding
on the basis of shape similarity. We conclude that each hemisphere co
uld represent the shape and movement of the contralateral hand but cou
ld not for the ipsilateral hand. Mentally simulating one's action and
discriminating body part handedness both depend on lateralized sensori
motor and somatosensory representations.