Sb. Damelin, THE LEBESGUE FUNCTION AND LEBESGUE CONSTANT OF LAGRANGE INTERPOLATIONFOR ERDOS WEIGHTS, Journal of approximation theory (Print), 94(2), 1998, pp. 235-262
We establish pointwise as well as uniform estimates for Lebesgue funct
ions associated with a large class of Erdos weights on the real line.
An Erdos weight is of the form W := exp(-Q), where Q:R --> R is even a
nd is of Faster than polynomial growth at infinity. The archetypal exa
mples are W-k,W- (alpha)(x) := exp(-Q(k,) (alpha)(x)), (i) where Q(k,
alpha) (x) := exp(k) (\x\(alpha)), alpha > 1, k greater than or equal
to 1 Here exp(k) := exp(exp(exp(...))) denotes the kth iterated expone
ntial. W-A,W- B(x) := exp(-Q(A,B)(x)), (ii) where Q(A,B)(x) := exp(log
(A +x(2)))(B), B >1 and A > A(0). For a carefully chosen system of nod
es chi(n) := {xi(1), xi 2, ..., xi(n)}, n greater than or equal to 1,
our result imply in particular, that the Lebesgue constant \\Lambda(n)
(W-k,W- alpha chi(n))\\L-infinity(R) := sup(x is an element of R) \Lam
bda(n)(W-k,W- (alpha), chi(n))\ (x) satisfies uniformly for n greater
than or equal to N-0, \\Lambda(n)(W-k,W- alpha, chi(n))\\L-infinity(R)
similar to log n. Moreover, we show that this choice of nodes is opti
mal with respect to the zeros of the orthonormal polynomials generated
by W-2. Indeed, let U-n := {x(j,n): 1 less than or equal to j less th
an or equal to n}, n greater than or equal to 1, where the x(k, n) are
the zeros of the orthogonal polynomials p(n)(W-2, .) generated by W-2
. Then in particular, we have uniformly for n greater than or equal to
N, \\Lambda(n),(W-k,W- alpha, U-n)\\L-infinity(R) similar to n(1/6)(P
i(j=1)(k) login)(1/6) Here, log(j) :=log(log(log(...))) denotes the jt
h iterated logarithm. We deduce sharp theorems of uniform convergence
of weighted Lagrange interpolation together with rates of convergence.
In particular, these results apply to W-k,W- alpha, and W-A,W- (B). (
C) 1998 Academic Press.