Previous studies have synthesized life-table data from herbivore speci
es to identify general trends in the demography of herbivorous insects
. Frequency-based analyses were used to ascertain which of five mortal
ity sources (enemies, plant factors, competition, weather, intrinsic d
evelopmental failure) and which of five ecological characteristics of
herbivores (feeding biology, invasion status of the herbivore, latitud
e, cultivation, and successional status of the habitat) had important
influences on mortality patterns. Here these results are reinforced wi
th a quantitative analysis that relies on actual numbers of herbivores
killed at different developmental stages by each of the five mortalit
y sources in different ecological settings. We also examine the relati
onship between taxonomic category (Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, a
nd Hymenoptera) and mortality. The analysis identified developmental c
hanges of herbivores as having an important influence on sources of mo
rtality; feeding biology, latitude, and cultivation status also influe
nced the distribution of mortality sources. Other aspects of the herbi
vores' ecology and taxonomy had limited effects. Natural enemies were
identified as the most important mortality source overall, and their i
mportance increased from the early larval stages to the pupal stages.
They also kill more exophytic insects than endophytic insects, and kil
l a higher proportion of insects in cultivated habitats than in natura
l habitats.Weather kills more temperate-zone immatures than tropical/s
ubtropical immatures. The results of the quantitative analysis general
ly confirm the earlier frequency-based tests. Several predictions that
can serve as the foundation of an empirically-based theory of herbivo
re demography are offered: (1) natural enemies are the dominant cause
of mortality in exophytic herbivore populations and may compete more i
ntensely than on endophytics; (2) plant factors and enemies play a mor
e balanced role in endophytic populations; (3) exophytic species shoul
d be particularly susceptible to top-down effects, especially in agroe
cosystems; (4) plant defences will often have sublethal effects, but w
hen they are lethal they will be most important as the hatchling larva
is just getting established on the plant. These predictions should be
viewed as a challenge to engage in a broader way of thinking about he
rbivore demography.