During eukaryotic evolution, multicellular organisms have evolved mult
iple members of gene families that may display unique, partially overl
apping, or redundant functions during development. More than 75% of th
e C. elegans genome has been sequenced, which represents approximately
95% of the coding sequences. This provides a unique opportunity to id
entify most, if not all, of the members of a given gene family. We hav
e searched the C. elegans genome database for members of a key family
of cell cycle regulators, the CDC25 phosphatases, and have identified
four genes. The four C. elegans genes represent a larger family within
a single organism than has been reported so far in Drosophila, mice a
nd humans. An amino acid comparison revealed a high degree of similari
ty and identity within the phosphatase domain. This analysis also iden
tified an expanded consensus sequence that can be used to discover new
members of the CDC25 phosphatase family. However, the four C. elegans
sequences display a few novel amino acid substitutions in the residue
s surrounding the invariant catalytic motif CX5R. These data demonstra
te the value of genome database searching for identifying new members
of known gene families, understanding genetic diversity, and for study
ing gene structure. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved