The peat-to-coal transition is commonly assumed to be accompanied by c
ompaction that decreases the thickness of the organic deposit to value
s of 10% or less of the original peat thickness. Decompaction modeling
using such values for coal seams in contact with penecontemporaneous
channel sandstones leads to impossible depositional geometries for the
sandstones, which have a final thickness that is 90% of their origina
l thickness. Similarly, decompaction modeling of the fragments of orga
nic material within channel lags using the assumed large peat compacti
on value results in the destruction of the associated sedimentary stru
ctures, such as trough cross-beds. Dinosaur tracks in the roofs of coa
l mines show a shallow depth of penetration and a preservation of foot
morphology that is not possible unless the peat the animals walked up
on was very firm. These data confirm the macroscopic observations from
coal balls that the compaction associated with the peat-to-coal trans
formation is minimal. Equally important, the data also show that most
of the compaction occurs essentially at the surface and not at the dep
ths where coalification takes place.