The boiling of whole wheat grains was studied using magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) and pulsed-gradient-spin-echo nuclear magnetic resonanc
e (NMR) (PGSE NMR). MRI was used to image moisture distributions acros
s a central section of grains boiled for different times at either 100
or 120 degrees C. A moisture front gradually moved into the grain, al
though some moisture did penetrate ahead of the front. PGSE NMR, which
measures self-diffusion indicated that two pools of water with differ
ing diffusion characteristics may exist within the grain. Diffusion mo
dels suggested from the PGSE results were incorporated into finite-ele
ment simulations along with the Thomas-Windle model for diffusion/rela
xation in polymers. Simulation results were compared to the MRI data,
and the best fit was achieved using the Thomas-Windle model with a ste
p-change in diffusivity above a critical moisture content. This behavi
or is similar to that of diffusion in polymers undergoing a glass tran
sition, a phenomenon widely accepted to occur when starch gelatinizes.