A hybrid dysgenesis syndrome in Drosophila virilis is associated with
the mobilization of at least four unrelated transposable elements desi
gnated Nelena, Pal is, Penelope and Ulysses. We carried out 42 crosses
between eight strains differing in transposable element copy number i
n order to assess their contributions to hybrid dysgenesis. Linear reg
ression and stepwise regression analysis was performed to estimate the
correlation between the difference in euchromatic transposable elemen
t number between the parental flies of different strains involved in t
he crosses and the percentage, in the progeny of these crosses, of mal
es with atrophic gonads. Male gonadal atrophy is a typical manifestati
on of the D. virilis hybrid dysgenesis syndrome. About half the variab
ility in the level of male gonadal atrophy can be attributed to Penelo
pe and Paris/Helena. Other factors also seem to play a significant rol
e in hybrid dysgenesis in D. virilis, including maternally transmitted
host factors and/or uncontrolled environmental variation. In the cour
se of this work a novel transposable element named Telemac was found.
Telemac is also mobilized in hybrid dysgenesis but does not appear to
play a major causative role.