We previously reported that human ovarian cells express integrin beta(
1) families. The physiological role(s) of integrins was investigated u
sing in vitro human granulosa cell culture and in vivo mouse ovulation
model. In human luteinizing granulosa cell culture obtained from the
patients undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment, laminin, which i
s a ligand for integrin alpha(6)beta(1), suppressed the production of
progesterone by granulosa cells. On the other hand, the anti-as monocl
onal antibody (mAb) GoH3, which partially inhibits the interaction bet
ween integrin alpha(6)beta(1) and laminin, enhanced production of prog
esterone by 2-fold of the control under the culture with laminin, indi
cating that integrin alpha(6)beta(1) regulates the luteinization of hu
man granulosa cell during the periovulatory phase. In an immature supe
rovulated 13-day-old ICR (CD-I) mice model, intraperitoneal administra
tion of GoH3 induced successful ovulation, whereas no ovulation was ob
served in the GoH3-nontreated groups, showing that integrin alpha(6)be
ta(1) is related to gonadotropin-induced follicular growth. These find
ings suggest that the interaction between integrin alpha(6)beta(1) and
laminin plays an important role in the corpus luteum formation and fo
llicular growth.