Deep penetration laser welding of metals generates a keyhole surrounde
d by a molten region which forms the weld on freezing. Mathematical mo
dels of the process produce relationships between the process paramete
rs to provide an effective simulation of the process and a guide to op
timal operating conditions both for continuous wave (cw) and pulsed sy
stems. It is usual when pursuing such an analysis to assume the existe
nce of a suitably averaged keyhole structure. To assume a steady-state
keyhole with suitably averaged properties, however, constitutes a con
siderable idealization. Actually, the keyhole manifests itself as a wr
ithing, twisting entity. This characteristic arises from many differen
t instabilities that can and do inevitably come into play. They repres
ent the reaction of the material being welded to the laser beam. It is
even more necessary to consider such reactions to the laser beam when
pulsed lasers or cw lasers with pulsed modulation are considered. The
details concerning the characteristics of specific instabilities are
not considered here. Instead, a stochastic description of some aspects
of the laser welding process is provided when the laser operates in t
he cw case. The applicability of current mathematical models is thus e
xtended giving increased insight into the nature of the laser welding
process. (C) 1998 Laser Institute of America.