Background. The deposition of protein Z was investigated in atheroscle
rotic vascular lesions of patients with diabetes mellitus or atheroscl
erotic vascular disease without diabetes in comparison to controls. Pa
tients and methods: Protein Z antigen was evidenced by immunohistochem
istry in arteries of 5 healthy control patients, 11 diabetic patients
with arterio-occlusive disease and 7 patients suffering from arterio-o
cclusive disease without diabetes. For immunohistochemistry, a commerc
ially available antibody was taken as first antibody, and Immunopositi
vity was evaluated independently by two investigators (J. G.; I. K.) a
s negative (0), positive (+) and strongly positive (++). The results w
ere assessed by the Whitney-Mann-Wilcoxon test. Results: Macrovascular
endothelial cells were stained positive for protein Z in all arteries
studied. Arteries of controls did not show significant immunopositivi
ty in cells other than macrovascular endothelial cells, while the micr
ovascular endothelial cells of control arteries were largely negative.
The proliferating subendothelial space in atherosclerotic vascular le
sions showed significant immunopositivity for protein Z. In contrast t
o control arteries, the microvascular endothelial cells of the prolife
rating areas stained positive. The staining pattern of the subendothel
ial space was similar in atherosclerotic vessels independent of the ri
sk factor for atherosclerosis. Plaques were immunopositive for protein
5 too. Conclusions: Protein Z is present in atherosclerotic vascular
lesions of diabetic and non-diabetic patients, but not in the subendot
helial space and microvascular endothelial cells of healthy controls.
Since protein Z-positivity was detected in microvascular endothelium a
s well as In extra-vascular deposits around plaques, it may play a rol
e in the development of these lesions.