Global analyses of monthly sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies fro
m 1856 to 1991 are produced using three statistically based methods: o
ptimal smoothing (OS), the Kalman filter (KF) and optimal interpolatio
n (OI). Each of these is accompanied by estimates of the error covaria
nce of the analyzed fields. The spatial covariance function these meth
ods require is estimated from the available data; the time-marching mo
del is a first-order autoregressive model again estimated from data. T
he data input for the analyses are monthly anomalies from the United K
ingdom Meteorological Office historical sea surface temperature data s
et (MOHSST5) [Parker et al., 1994] of the Global Ocean Surface Tempera
ture Atlas (GOSTA) [Bottomley et al., 1990]. These analyses are compar
ed with each other, with GOSTA, and with an analysis generated by proj
ection (P) onto a set of empirical orthogonal functions las in Smith e
t al. [1996]). In theory, the quality of the analyses should rank in t
he order OS, KF, OI, P, and GOSTA. It is found that the first four giv
e comparable results in the data-rich periods (1951-1991), but at time
s when data is sparse the first three differ significantly from P and
GOSTA. At these times the latter two often have extreme and fluctuatin
g values, prima facie evidence of error. The statistical schemes are a
lso verified against data not used in any of the analyses (proxy recor
ds derived from corals and air temperature records from coastal and is
land stations). We also present evidence that the analysis error estim
ates are indeed indicative of the quality of the products. At most tim
es the OS and KF products are close to the OI product, but at times of
especially poor coverage their use of information from other times is
advantageous. The methods appear to reconstruct the major features of
the global SST field from very sparse data. Comparison with other ind
ications of the El Nino - Southern Oscillation cycle show that the ana
lyses provide usable information on interannual variability as far bac
k as the 1860s.