Trail, Canada, has been the site of an active lead/zinc smelter for ne
arly a century. Since 1991, the Trail Community Lead Task Force has ca
rried out blood lead screening, case management, education programs ta
rgeted at early childhood groups and the general community, community
dust abatement, exposure pathways studies, and remedial trials. From 1
989 through 1996, average blood lead levels of children tested for the
first time declined at an average rare of 0.6 mu g/dl/year, while blo
od lead levels in Canadian children not living near point sources appe
ared to be leveling off following the phase-out of leaded gasoline. Si
nce there was no concurrent improvement in local environmental conditi
ons during this time, it is possible that the continuing decline in Tr
ail blood lead levels has been at least partly due to community-wide i
ntervention programs. One year follow-up of children whose families re
ceived in-home educational visits, as well as assistance with home-bas
ed dust control measures, found that these specific interventions prod
uced average blood lead changes of +0.5- -4.0 mu g/dl, with statistica
lly significant declines in 3 years out of 5. Education and dust contr
ol, particularly actions targeted toward higher risk children, appear
to have served as effective and appropriate interim remedial measures
while major source control measures have been implemented at the smelt
er site.