Fundamental and therapeutic research into Alzheimer's disease (AD) ini
tially focused on cognitive aspects. However, AD also frequently invol
ves complex affective and behavioral disorders, which are currently gr
ouped under the heading Behavioral and Psychological Signs and Symptom
s of Dementia (BPSSD), BPSSD further handicap the patient in his or he
r daily activities and are a major source of problems for the family a
nd other carers. Studies of these aspects must take into account vario
us clinical aspects such as the development of reliable tools for asse
ssment and diagnosis. BPSSD can only be understood on the basis of neu
roanatomical and neurochemical findings, i.e. the link between the dys
function of cortical-subcortical regions and networks and the onset of
a particular behavioral disorder. Finally, therapeutic research must
go beyond simple adaptation of an adult treatment protocol to affected
elderly subjects by learning more about the different neurotransmitte
r systems in Alzheimer's disease.