WE examined membrane-bound protein kinase C (PKC) in the cerebellum of
rabbits given paired presentations of a tone conditioned stimulus (CS
) that co-terminated with a periocular electrical stimulation uncondit
ioned stimulus (US) or unpaired presentations of the CS and US or rest
raint in the experimental context. PKC activation was measured by quan
titative film autoradiography of [H-3]phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate ([H-3]P
Bt2) binding in the molecular and granule cells layers of lobule HVI,
anterior vermis and Crus I, and in the dentate/interpositus nuclei. Th
ere was a statistically significant increase in [H-3]PBt2 binding with
in the molecular layer of lobule HVI in rabbits given paired training
relative to controls. The results indicate PKC activation in lobule HV
I may be important in acquisition of conditioned eyeblink responses. (
C) 1998 Rapid Science Ltd.