The oscillatory behaviour of the solar chromosphere was studied from o
bservations of a quiet region at disk centre using various diagnostic
tools. The two-dimensional spectrometer in the Vacuum Tower Telescope/
Tenerife (Spain) served to obtain a spatially highly resolved time ser
ies of ''white-light'' images and narrow-band filtergrams in the Na D-
2 line. With a tunable Fabry-Perot interferometer, this line was scann
ed taking 30 images (i.e. a ''scan'') around the line core with wavele
ngth steps of 30 m Angstrom and a spectral resolution of about 200000.
From these images, line profiles were derived for every pixel in. the
field of view. With each such narrow-band scan, a scan of '''white-li
ght'' images was taken strictly simultaneously. The whole time series
comprises (2x) 128 scans. Every 56 s, a new pair of scans was started
with two CCDs, thus the observation covers nearly two hours. Finally,
after correlation and other reduction procedures, a field size of 69.'
' 4 x 50.'' 4 remained with 0.'' 2/pixel on the CCD-chips. In the data
reduction, new images were created representing the minimum intensity
(I) of each line profile in the field of view, and also velocity (V)
maps (derived from the Doppler shifts of the line profiles) for all 12
8 scans. From these images, power spectra and diagnostic diagrams were
computed. In the subsequent analysis, a distinction between network a
nd intra-network regions was made where this seemed appropriate. One-
and two-dimensional (V-I) phase and coherence spectra were analysed wi
th regard to oscillations and to the nature of the waves leaving their
marks in these diagrams. Several noteworthy results also raised the q
uestion of the actual line formation height of Na D-2, among them bein
g the non-detection of a chromospheric eigenmode. While an explanation
for a conspicuous 70 degrees plateau in a small region of the phase s
pectra already exists, the suspected reason behind the decreasing phas
e difference from about -60 degrees for the f-mode down to similar to
-120 degrees for higher modes is still subject to some speculation. Mo
reover, the data gave evidence of gravity waves, probably discovered f
or the first time in a V-I phase spectrum of Na D-2.