The notion of effective bandwidths has provided a useful practical fra
mework far connection admission control and capacity planning in high-
speed communication networks. The associated admissible set with a sin
gle linear boundary makes it possible to apply stochastic-loss-network
(generalized-Erlang) models for capacity planning, In this paper we c
onsider the case of network nodes that use a priority-service discipli
ne to support multiple classes of service, and we wish to determine an
appropriate notion of effective bandwidths. Just as was done previous
ly for the first-in first-out (FIFO) discipline, we use large-buffer a
symptotics (large deviations principles) for workload tail probabiliti
es as a theoretical basis, We let each priority class have its own buf
fer and its own constraint on the probability of buffer overflow, Unfo
rtunately, however, this leads to a constraint for each priority class
, Moreover, the large-buffer asymptotic theory with priority classes d
oes not produce an admissible set with linear boundaries, but we show
that it nearly does and that a natural bound on the admissible set doe
s have this property, We propose it as an approximation for priority c
lasses; then there is one linear constraint for each priority class. T
his linear-admissible-set structure implies a new notion of effective
bandwidths, where a given connection is associated with multiple effec
tive bandwidths: one for the priority level of the given connection an
d one for each lower priority level. This structure can be used regard
less of whether the individual effective bandwidths are determined by
large-buffer asymptotics or by some other method.