Pj. Landrigan et al., CHILDRENS HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT - A NEW AGENDA FOR PREVENTION RESEARCH, Environmental health perspectives, 106, 1998, pp. 787-794
Patterns of illness in American children have changed dramatically in
this century. The ancient infectious diseases have largely been contro
lled. The major diseases confronting children now are chronic and disa
bling conditions termed the ''new pediatric morbidity'' - asthma morta
lity has doubled; leukemia and brain cancer have increased in incidenc
e; neurodevelopmental dysfunction is widespread; hypospadias incidence
has doubled. Chemical toxicants in the environment as well as poverty
, racism, and inequitable access to medical care are factors known and
suspected to contribute to causation of these pediatric diseases. Chi
ldren are at risk of exposure to over 15,000 high-production-volume sy
nthetic chemicals, nearly all of them developed in the past 50 years.
These chemicals are used widely in consumer products and are dispersed
in the environment. More than half are untested for toxicity. Childre
n appear uniquely vulnerable to chemical toxicants because of their di
sproportionately heavy exposures and their inherent biological suscept
ibility. To prevent disease of environmental origin in America's child
ren, the Children's Environmental Health Network (CEHN) calls for a co
mprehensive, national, child-centered agenda. This agenda must recogni
ze children's vulnerabilities to environmental toxicants. It must enco
mpass a) a new prevention-oriented research focus, b) a new child-cent
ered paradigm for health risk assessment and policy formulation; and c
) a campaign to educate the public, health professionals, and policy m
akers that environmental disease is caused by preventable exposures an
d is therefore avoidable. To anchor the agenda, CEHN calls for longter
m, stable investment and for creation of a national network of pediatr
ic environmental health research and prevention centers.