Beliefs about appearance-related changes due to aging were used to tes
t the effects of perceived control and secondary control (acceptance)
in a sample of 412 young, early-middle-age, and late-middle-age colleg
e-educated adults. Mean difference in aging-related appearance control
and hypotheses regarding the adaptiveness of primary and secondary co
ntrol were examined. Primary control over aging-related appearance was
lower in older adults and secondary control was higher. In addition,
the results indicated support for the Primacy/Back-Up Model that prima
ry perceived control is important at all levels of actual control. Tho
se with stronger beliefs in their primary control were less distressed
. Secondary control served a back-up function in that it was related t
o less distress only for those who had medium or lower beliefs in prim
ary control. The implications of these findings, that primary control
may be advantageous even in low-control circumstances, are discussed.