A new procedure for the encapsulation of non-diffusible drugs into hum
an erythrocytes was developed. With as little as 50 mi of blood and by
using a new apparatus, it was possible to encapsulate a variety of bi
ologically active compounds into erythrocytes in 2 h at room temperatu
re and under blood-banking conditions. The process, which is based on
two sequential hypotonic dilutions of washed red cells followed by con
centration with a haemofilter and resealing of red cells, allows a 35-
50% cell recovery and approx. 30% encapsulation of added drugs. The re
sulting processed erythrocytes have a normal survival in vivo and can
be modified further, with the same apparatus, to increase their recogn
ition by tissue macrophages to perform as a drug-targeting system. The
new equipment designed and built for this procedure was named 'Red Ce
ll Loader'.