The goal of this article is to report our experience and review recent
articles obtained for laparoscopic tubal sterilization reversal, The
technique we describe is 'single suture laparoscopic tubal re-anastomo
sis', This technique is simple and atraumatic and requires only one st
itch in the tube. After preparing the tube stumps and bringing the edg
es of the mesosalpinx together, laparoscopic anastomosis is achieved b
y one stitch placed at '12 o'clock' on the antimesial edge of the tube
, Between May 1994 and June 1997 we operated on 32 patients using this
technique and carried out 48 tubal sterilization reversals. For the p
atients who underwent postoperative hysterosalpingography during the f
irst or second month after the operation, the rate of patency was 87.5
% (42/48), The overall intrauterine pregnancy rate was 53.1% (17 out o
f 32 patients), The overall delivery rate was 40.6% (13 out of 32 pati
ents). The intrauterine pregnancy rate for the 17 patients who were ag
ed 38 years or under was 58.8% (10 out of 17 patients). Laparoscopic t
ubal sterilization reversal is feasible with a simplified technique. R
eview of the publications concerning laparoscopic microsurgical tubal
anastomosis confirms satisfactory fertility results. The surgeon shoul
d be experienced in microsurgical tubal anastomosis by laparotomy as w
ell as operative laparoscopic procedures. (C) 1998 Lippincott-Raven Pu