Objectives: To determine the effects of H-7 on (1) iris and ciliary mu
scles (CMs) in living monkeys; (2) isolated monkey CM strips; (3) acto
myosin contractility in cultured Swiss 3T3 cells. Methods: (1) Pupilla
ry diameter (calipers) and accommodation (refractometer) in living mon
keys were measured after topical, intracameral, or intravitreal admini
stration of H-7 followed by systemic pilocarpine hydrochloride. (2) Pi
locarpine-induced contraction of isolated monkey CM strips following a
dministration of H-7 was measured in a perfusion chamber. (3) Actomyos
in contractility in Swiss 3T3 cells cultured on thin silicone rubber f
ilm was determined by measuring cell-induced film wrinkles before and
after administration of H-7. Results: Topical H-7 prevented anesthesia
-induced miosis but did not affect resting refraction. Intracameral or
intravitreal H-7 dilated the pupil and inhibited miotic but not accom
modative responses to pilocarpine. H-7 inhibited pilocarpine-induced c
ontraction of isolated monkey CM strips and reduced Swiss 3T3 cell con
traction. Conclusions: H-7 inhibits actin-based contractility in non-m
uscle cells and in monkey iris sphincter and CM. Under our in vivo exp
erimental conditions, the effect on the iris predominates over that on
the CM.