A direct, continuous, and independent association between blood pressu
re values and incidence of coronary artery disease has been well docum
ented. However, the evidence that the reduction of blood pressure alon
e is nor able to completely reverse the increase in the risk of corona
ry artery disease associated with essential hypertension suggests that
the link between hypertension and coronary artery disease is a comple
x process including other factors beside the increase in blood pressur
e values. In this regard, the main determinant of coronary artery dise
ase in hypertensive patients seems to be the development of left ventr
icular hypertrophy (LVH). In fact, hypertensive patients who died from
sudden cardiac death showed a lesser degree of coronary atheroscleros
is compared with normotensives, but a higher incidence of LVH. Several
mechanisms can account for the increased coronary risk with LVH, incl
uding (1) an increase in left ventricular (LV) mass, which by itself r
equires more oxygen for tissue perfusion; (2) impairment of coronary f
low reserve; (3) perivascular fibrosis, which then impairs oxygen supp
ly to the myocardium; and (4) deterioration of LV diastolic function,
which hampers myocardial perfusion. Recently, a study reported an impa
irment of endothelial function and abnormal control of the sympathetic
tone in hypertensive patients, which may contribute to the risk of co
ronary artery disease. In particular, the impaired endothelial functio
n resulting in a prevalence of vasoconstrictive, thrombogenic, and pro
liferative factors may account for the enhanced ischemic susceptibilit
y of these patients. Furthermore, the cardiac adrenergic system plays
an important role in regulating myocardial blood flow. On one hand, hy
pertensive patients show an exaggerated sympathetic response to physio
logic stimuli, whereas on the other hand, the p-adrenergic receptor-me
diated vasodilating component of the sympathetic response is blunted i
n hypertension. Finally, excess body weight, dyslipidemia, glucose int
olerance, and hyperinsulinemia, which are frequently interrelated, rep
resent independent predictors of both coronary artery disease and hype
rtension. (C) 1998 by Excerpta Medico, Inc.