We propose a spectroscopic method to determine the existence of an ele
ctronic Wigner lattice at a given electron density n. We derive the ''
perpendicular'' excited states of the two-dimensional Wigner lattice o
n a dielectric layer with a metallic substrate, and compare them with
the corresponding excited states of the two-dimensional electron gas a
t the same electron densities. The transitions from the ground to the
first excited state are studied in detail and we have found a signific
ant difference between the lattice and the gas excitation energies for
n greater than or similar to 10(8) cm-2. In that sense, the spectrosc
opy of electronic transitions can prove the existence of a Wigner latt
ice and a rapid change in the excitation spectrum can serve for determ
ination of the lattice melting temperature. A linear Stark effect in t
he case of a Wigner lattice is also analyzed.