The University of California at San Francisco (USCF) Department of Rad
iology currently has a clinically operational picture archiving and co
mmunication system (PACS) that is thirty-five percent filmless, with t
he goal of becoming seventy-five percent filmless within the year. The
design and implementation of the clinical PACS has been a collaborati
ve effort between an academic research laboratory and a commercial ven
dor partner. Images are digitally acquired from three computed radiogr
aphy (CR) scanners, five computed tomography (CT) scanners, five magne
tic resonance (MR) imagers, three digital fluoroscopic rooms, an ultra
sound mini-PACS and a nuclear medicine mini-PACS, The DICOM (Digital I
maging and Communications in Medicine) standard communications protoco
l and image format is adhered to throughout the PACS. Images are archi
ved in hierarchical staged fashion, on a RAID (redundant array of inex
pensive disks) and on magneto-optical disk jukeboxes. The clinical PAC
S uses an object-oriented Oracle SOL (systems query language) database
, and interfaces to the Radiology Information System using the HL7 (He
alth Languages 7) standard. Components are networked using a combinati
on of switched and fast ethernet, and ATM (asynchronous transfer mode)
, all over fiber optics. The wide area network links six UCSF sites in
San Francisco. A combination of high and medium resolution dual-monit
or display stations have been placed throughout the Department of Radi
ology, the Emergency Department (ED) and Intensive Care Units (ICU). A
continuing quality improvement (CQI) committee has been formed to fac
ilitate the PACS installation and training, workflow modifications, qu
ality assurance and clinical acceptance. This committee includes radio
logists at all levels (resident, fellow, attending), radiology technol
ogists, film library personnel, ED and ICU clinician end-users, and PA
CS team members. The CQI committee has proved vital in the creation of
new management procedures, providing a means for user feedback and ed
ucation, and contributing to the overall acceptance of, and user satis
faction with the system. Well developed CQI procedures have been essen
tial to the successful clinical operation of the PACS as UCSF Radiolog
y moves toward a filmless department. Copyright (C) 1998 by W.B. Saund
ers Company.