Aim: to study the nutritional status of elderly Chinese vegetarians. S
ubjects and method: dietary intake (using the 24-h recall method), ant
hropometric indices and some nutritional laboratory parameters were st
udied in 131 elderly Chinese vegetarian women with a mean age of 81 ye
ars. Data from age- and sec-matched omnivore subjects from previous el
derly surveys were used for comparison. Results: total energy, fat and
protein calorie, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin intakes mere lower i
n vegetarians than in non-vegetarians, while carbohydrate calorie, cal
cium, potassium, retinol equivalent and ascorbic acid intakes were hig
her. The 25th, 50th and 75th percentile for total body fat were lower
and those for corrected arm muscle area were higher in vegetarians. Bo
th urinary Na/Cr and K/Cr ratios were higher but the Na/K ratio was si
milar to that in non-vegetarians, as were mean systolic and diastolic
blood pressures. Serum total cholesterol was lower, while serum trigly
ceride concentration nas similar The mean haemoglobin level was lower
in vegetarians, the prevalence of anaemia being 30%, with deficiencies
in B12 and/or iron accounting for 64% of the anaemia, compared with o
nly 30% in non-vegetarians. Serum B12 concentration below the referenc
e range occurred in 54% of the vegetarian subjects. Vegetarians also h
ad a lower prevalence of a history of ischaemic heart disease; however
, the prevalence of smoking was also lower. Conclusion: while the Chin
ese vegetarian diet may result in a favourable risk-factor profile for
ischaemic heart disease, it is deficient in many B vitamins and gives
rise to a high frequency of nutritional anaemias.