We study transport of Brownian particles in spatially periodic structu
res, driven by both thermal equilibrium fluctuations and dichotomic no
ise of zero mean values. Introducing specific scaling, we show that th
e dimensionless Newton-Langevin type equation governing the motion of
Brownian particles is very well approximated by the overdamped dynamic
s; inertial effects can be neglected because for generic systems dimen
sionless mass is many orders less than a dimensionless friction coeffi
cient. An exact probability current, proportional to the mean drift ve
locity of particles, is obtained for a piecewise linear spatially peri
odic potential. We analyze in detail properties of the macroscopic ave
raged motion of particles. In dependence on statistics of both sources
of fluctuations, the directed transport of particles exhibits such di
stinctive non-monotonic behavior as: bell-shaped dependence (there exi
sts optimal statistics of fluctuations maximizing velocity) and revers
al in the direction of macroscopic motion (there exists critical stati
stics at which the drift velocity is zero). (C) 1998 Elsevier Science
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