Hr. Williams et al., OUTPATIENT FOLLOW-UP AFTER ROUTINE SURGERY - A QUESTIONNAIRE STUDY, Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 43(4), 1998, pp. 251-253
A questionnaire was sent to all consultant general surgeons and urolog
ists in Wales to assess current practice in out-patient follow-up afte
r surgery for nine commonly performed procedures. A further questionna
ire was sent to a random sample of general practitioners in South Glam
organ to assess the possibility of GPs taking on responsibility for po
st-operative follow-up. This should, therefore, reduce the number of p
ost-operative patients passing through the out-patient department. Of
the 58 (77%) consultants who responded, the percentage who routinely f
ollowed up patients with at least one postoperative visit was calculat
ed. Of the 33 (66%) GPs who responded the percentage who were prepared
to take responsibility for post-operative follow-up was calculated fo
r patients having the same operations. There was agreement and disagre
ement between consultants and GPs, but no distinct pattern emerged. A
larger study must be performed before the out-patient department is ra
tionalized using protocols based on this study.