Background: The senescence of the immune system is a complex phenomeno
n, characterized by impairment of several lymphocyte activities and ge
nerally considered a state of immune dysregulation. Aging is a conditi
on associated with many social changes likely to induce psychological
stress, which is often perceived as uncontrollable and can lead, in so
me cases, to clinically relevant depression. In the recent years a gro
wing interest has been raised for the study of bidirectional interacti
ons between the central nervous system and the immunological network (
psychoneuroimmunology). Objective and Methods: We analyzed the possibi
lity that chronic psychological distress and depression could worsen s
ome immune functions in the aged. We postulate the neuroendocrine mech
anisms of psychoimmune interaction, analyzing both the human and anima
l studies focused on aging. Results: The data from the literature revi
ewed suggest a significant impact of affective disorders on immune fun
ctions in the elderly subjects. This psychoimmune imbalance appears pa
rticularly important when the studies are carried out in otherwise hea
lthy aged people. Conclusions: Here we reviewed the relationships betw
een psychological stress and depression and immunological functions, w
ith particular regard to those aspects pertinent to the aging process.
The clinical relevance of these interactions remains to be elucidated
, but the high frequency in the aged of autoimmune, infectious, and ne
oplastic diseases suggests to focus on the psychoneuroimmune interacti
ons in the old age. We also propose some outlines for future studies c
oncerning psychoneuroimmunology and aging.