Despite intensive investigations, the nature of;he passive state is on
e of the most complex and unresolved subjects in the electrochemistry
of zinc in alkaline solutions. In this paper, we explore the electroch
emistry of the passive state on zinc in 0.1 M sodium borate/1 M sodium
hydroxide solution of pH 10.5. During the course of passivation, seve
ral characteristic features in the anodic region are observed, includi
ng a wide passive range extending over >2 V and a secondary passivatio
n phenomenon that occurs at high anodic potentials. The steady-state c
urrent in the passive state is found to be independent of the applied
voltage, which is consistent with the barrier layer being an interstit
ial zinc conductor or an oxygen vacancy conductor (or both) with inter
stitial zinc being the most likely defect. This model is also consiste
nt with the well-known n-type character of the passive film on zinc.