OBJECTIVES To determine the proportion of patients who are accompanied
by another person tie, partner, child, relative, friend) during visit
s to their doctors; to describe the demographic characteristics and ro
le(s) assumed by the main accompanying person and the nature of the pr
esenting dyads; and to describe the influence of the main accompanying
person on the patient-doctor interaction. DESIGN Prospective observat
ional survey. SETTING Family practices in London, Ont, and surrounding
area. PARTICIPANTS Eight family physicians completed surveys on 100 c
onsecutive patients attending for both regularly scheduled and emergen
cy visits. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Roles and influence of the main accom
panying person. RESULTS Approximately one third (30.4%) of patients we
re accompanied during visits to their doctors. Children and patients o
lder than 75 years most frequently had another person with them. Most
patients (74.1%) were accompanied by one person who most often was fem
ale (72.6%) and between the ages of 21 and 40 years (53.6%). The accom
panying person's role was most frequently described by doctors as an a
dvocate for the patient (n=235, 68.5%. If the accompanying person was
a child, however, the role was most often described as a silent observ
er (n = 36, 68.6%). The influence of the main accompanying person on t
he patient doctor encounter was usually described as positive (95.1%).
CONCLUSIONS Physicians report that people accompanying patients usual
ly have a positive influence on medical encounters. Future studies nee
d to include patients' and accompanying persons' perspectives.