Obesity has significant consequences for the reproductive system, depe
nding upon the amount and distribution of body fat. Epidemiological ev
idence clearly shows that being overweight contributes to menstrual di
sorders, infertility, miscarriage, poor pregnancy outcome, impaired fe
tal well-being and diabetes mellitus. Central adiposity is particularl
y important in clinical sequelae associated with an increased body mas
s index. The advent of assisted reproduction highlights the problems o
f being overweight, and the use of gonadotrophins in ovulation inducti
on and in vitro fertilization is more difficult when the subject is ov
erweight. Weight loss has marked effects on improving the menstrual cy
cle and promoting spontaneous ovulation and fertility. Results indicat
e that fertility is improved through exercise and sensible eating patt
erns when conducted in a group environment. The mechanisms for this ar
e unclear but may be associated with changes in sensitivity to insulin