Young stars are thought to accumulate most of their mass through an ac
cretion disk, which channels the gas and dust of a collapsing cloud on
to the central protostellar object(1). The rotational and magnetic for
ces in the star-disk system often produce high-velocity jets of outflo
wing gas(2-6). These jets-an in principle be used to study the accreti
on and ejection history of the system, which is hidden from direct vie
w by the dust and dense gas of the parent cloud. But the structures of
these jets are often too complex to determine which features arise at
the source and which are the result of subsequent interactions with,
the surrounding gas. Here we present infrared observations of a very y
oung jet driven by an invisible protostar in the vicinity of the Horse
head nebula in Orion. These observations reveal a sequence of geyser-l
ike eruptions occurring at quasi-regular intervals and with near-perfe
ct mirror symmetry either side of the source. This symmetry is strong
evidence that such features must be associated with the formation of t
he jet, probably related to recurrent or even chaotic instabilities in
the accretion disk.