Rotational-echo double-resonance (REDOR) solid-state NMR spectroscopy
exhibits an explicit proton radio frequency (RF) decoupling power depe
ndence. Experimental data using model compounds are shown that demonst
rate this; as proton RF decoupling powers are increased, the REDOR dif
ference curves change in shape with the maximum REDOR difference appro
aching unity. This is an important consideration when fitting data wit
h simulations in an attempt to determine internuclear distances from d
ipole-dipole couplings. Often, the desired decoupling powers that achi
eve convergence of REDOR difference curves require proton RF powers ou
tside the capabilities of conventional MAS solid-state probes. To alle
viate this problem, the two-pulse phase-modulated (TPPM) pulse train i
s applied during the mixing period of the REDOR pulse sequence. The re
sults show improved efficiency of proton decoupling when TPPM is emplo
yed, as compared to the continuous wave case at the same decoupling RF
strength. Simulations of a four spin-1/2 system qualitatively agree w
ith the experiments. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserve