Shoots and roots were initiated on bulb explants of Cyrtanthus brachys
cyphus, C. elatus, C, falcatus, C. guthrieae, and C, mackenii var. mac
kenii. C. breviflorus produced small amounts of wound callus only. The
species differed in their response to the different levels of plant g
rowth regulators used. In general shoot formation was most favourable
with high concentrations BA (2 mg l(-1)) and lower concentrations NAA
(1 mg l(-1)). Best root formation was obtained with low BA and NAA (0-
0.5 mg l(-1)) concentrations. Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus was the most pr
olific shoot producer, with a 3-fold increase at every sub-culture. C.
elatus, C. guthrieae, and C. mackenii var. mackenii were less vigorou
s and on average showed a 1.5-fold increase at every sub-culture. C. f
alcatus produced a low number of shoots from the explants and this did
not increase with subsequent sub-cultures. Rooted plantlets were suce
ssfully acclimatized in vermiculite in a mist house (100% survival).