The plankton of shallow lakes is expected to experience increasing exp
osure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) within the next decades. In addit
ion to stratospheric ozone depletion, decreases in dissolved organic c
arbon (DOC), caused by climate warming or acidification, will result i
n greater UVR penetration in many lakes. Circulation patterns induced
by moderate winds force the plankton of shallow lakes to be cycled thr
ough the whole water column. This translates into higher doses and flu
ctuating dosage rates. Here, we report the results of a series of 'in
situ' UV exposure experiments in which two zooplankton crustaceans (on
e capable of photorecovery and the other not) were incubated either at
fixed depths or under simulated mixing. Our main goal was to assess t
he extent to which the results from static incubations could be extrap
olated to vertically moving zooplankton. Static incubations accurately
predicted the survival of moving individuals for the species without
photorecovery, but failed to do so for the species capable of photorec
overy. The fluctuations in dosage rate for high doses tended to increa
se the survival of the species with photorecovery. We contend that neg
lecting the effects of vertical mixing may result in a biased percepti
on of UVR effects in shallow lakes.