The relative filtering setae length (RFSL; the length of filtering set
ae on the third pair of thoracic limbs expressed as a per cent of cara
pace length) was determined in three developmental categories of a res
ervoir population of Daphnia galeata and its relationship to phytoplan
kton fluctuation. RFSL of adult females immediately after moulting ref
lects the current food conditions in the reservoir (higher RFSL at low
er food level, and vice versa), whereas RFSL of adult females close to
moulting reflects the food conditions several days or weeks ago. RFSL
of juvenile animals reacts the most quickly to changing food conditio
ns, provided the temperature allows frequent moulting. Higher RFSL can
also indicate poor-quality food for daphnids, in situations when food
quantitative parameters (such as chlorophyll a) show high values.