Previous studies established that in the rat, the uterus can accept a
developing blastocyst for implantation only during a limited period of
time on day 5 of gestation, termed the receptive phase. Our previous
studies showed that the expression of calcitonin, a peptide hormone th
at regulates calcium homeostasis, is induced in rat uterus between day
s 3-5 of gestation and is switched off once the implantation process h
as progressed to day 6. In the present study, we analyze in detail how
the expression of calcitonin messenger RNA (mRNA) in the uterus is re
gulated by the steroid hormones progesterone and estrogen and explore
the possibility that calcitonin may serve as a potential marker of ute
rine receptivity. We demonstrate by in situ hybridization that calcito
nin mRNA is synthesized specifically in the glandular epithelial cells
between days 3-5 of pregnancy. Interestingly, calcitonin synthesis is
also induced in these cells during pseudopregnancy, indicating that t
his peptide hormone is produced in the endometrium in response to mate
rnal, rather than embryonic, signals. We also demonstrate that calcito
nin mRNA expression during pseudopregnancy, like that in normal pregna
ncy, is under progesterone regulation. We further examined the steroid
hormone regulation of uterine calcitonin expression in a delayed impl
antation model. In pregnant rats in which implantation is blocked upon
removal of both ovaries on day 4 of gestation, continued administrati
on of progesterone sustains calcitonin expression in the uterus for se
veral days in the absence of estrogen. Administration of estrogen, whi
ch allows delayed implantation, also rapidly reduces calcitonin expres
sion, indicating a role for this steroid hormone in turning off calcit
onin gene expression. In gene transfection studies, expression of the
progesterone receptor B isoform in cultured endometrial cells induces
RNA synthesis from a reporter gene containing a 1.3-kb calcitonin prom
oter fragment in a hormone-dependent manner. As expected, mifepristone
-complexed progesterone receptor B isoform fails to activate the calci
tonin promoter. Progesterone acting through its nuclear receptor there
fore regulates the expression of the calcitonin gene at the level of t
ranscription. Finally, using RIA we investigated whether calcitonin is
secreted from its glandular site of synthesis at the time of implanta
tion by analyzing uterine flushings obtained from pregnant rats. We re
port the detection of a significant amount of calcitonin in the lumina
l secretions collected on day 4 and a lower amount on day 5 of gestati
on, whereas similar samples collected from animals on either day 3 or
6 of gestation did not contain detectable amounts of this peptide horm
one. A transient burst of calcitonin secretion into the uterine lumen
therefore occurs immediately preceding implantation. Based on these re
sults, we propose that calcitonin is a measurable marker that forecast
s the receptive state of rat endometrium during blastocyst implantatio