PURPOSE: to determine the frequency with which ultrasonographically (U
S) guided core biopsy obviated diagnostic surgical biopsy of nonpalpab
le breast masses, to calculate the cost savings of diagnosis attributa
ble to US-guided core biopsy, and to compare the cost of US-guided ver
sus stereotactically guided core biopsy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: US-gui
ded core biopsy was performed in 151 consecutive solitary, nonpalpable
breast masses in 151 women (age range, 23-80 years) by using a 14-gua
ge automated gun and needle. Clinical follow-up data were obtained. co
st savings were assessed by using national Medicare reimbursement cost
s of $385 for US-guided core biopsy, $610 for stereotactic core biopsy
, and $1,332 for needle localization and surgical biopsy. RESULTS: US-
guided core biopsy obviated a surgical procedure in 128 (85%) of 151 w
omen. The mean adjusted direct cost saving per US-guided core biopsy w
as $744 per case. Use of US-guided biopsy decreased the cost of diagno
sis by 56% ($744,/$1,332) over the cost of surgical biopsy. If biopsy
had been performed with stereotactic rather than with US guidance, the
mean adjusted direct cost saving would have been $519 per case, a 39%
($519/$1,332) decrease in the cost of diagnosis compared with th cost
of surgical biopsy. CONCLUSION: Percutaneous biopsy of a nonpalpable
breast mass with either US or stereotactic guidance is less expensive
than surgery, but cost savings are greater with US-guided biopsy.