We first present an algorithm that uses membership and equivalence que
ries to exactly identify a discretized geometric concept defined by th
e union of m axis-parallel boxes in d-dimensional discretized Euclidea
n space where each coordinate can have n discrete values. This algorit
hm receives at most md counterexamples and uses time and membership qu
eries polynomial in m and log n for any constant d. Furthermore, all e
quivalence queries can be formulated as the union of O(md log m) axis-
parallel boxes. Next, we show how to extend our algorithm to efficient
ly learn, from only equivalence queries, any discretized geometric con
cept generated from any number of halfspaces with any number of known
(to the learner) slopes in a constant dimensional space. In particular
, our algorithm exactly learns (from equivalence queries only) unions
of discretized axis-parallel boxes in constant dimensional space in po
lynomial time. Furthermore, this equivalence query only algorithm can
be modified to handle a polynomial number of lies in the counterexampl
es provided by the environment. Finally, we introduce a new complexity
measure that better captures the complexity of the union of m boxes t
han simply the number of boxes and the dimension. Our new measure, sig
ma, is the number of segments in the target, where a segment is a maxi
mum portion of one of the sides of the target that lies entirely insid
e or entirely outside each of the other halfspaces defining the target
. We present a modification of our first algorithm that uses time and
queries polynomial in sigma and log n. In fact, the time and queries (
both membership and equivalence) used by this single algorithm are pol
ynomial for either m or d constant.