Chromatic discrimination thresholds were measured under conditions whi
ch yielded fine and degraded discrimination seeps. Discrimination was
assessed by identification of the location of one oi four homogeneous
equiluminant stimuli arranged in a square or with pseudoisochromatic (
PIC) figures using the stimulus design of Regan, Reffin and Mellon (Vi
s Res 1994; 34: 1279-1299). Stimuli were presented on CRT monitors and
specified in units of cone trolands. They were viewed within a surrou
nd metameric to the equal energy spectrum. L troland threshold versus
retinal illuminance (TVR) functions were measured by four-alternative
spatial forced-choice staircase procedures for (1) a four 1 x 1 degree
s equiluminant stimuli arranged in a square and (2) 'C' shaped pseudoi
sochromatic figures in which the observer had to identify the gap loca
tion. The 'C' was constructed of spatially discrete patches of varying
size and luminance to ensure that the observer's responses depended o
n chromatic signals. The TVR functions appeared V-shaped and were simi
lar for the two paradigms. The minimum occurred near the L excitation
of equal-energy white. The PIC stimuli yielded poorer discrimination w
ith the TVR function being displaced by similar to 0.5 log unit. Discr
imination for stimuli degraded by luminance and spatial noise presente
d within an achromatic appearing surround is sharpest near the chromat
icity metameric to the equal energy spectrum. (C) 1998 Elsevier Scienc
e Ltd. All rights reserved.