Recent upgrades to the MODTRAN atmospheric radiation code improve the
accuracy of its radiance predictions, especially in the presence of cl
ouds and thick aerosols, and for multiple scattering in regions of str
ong molecular line absorption. The current public-released version of
MODTRAN (MODTRAN3.7) features a generalized specification of cloud pro
perties, while the current research version of MODTRAN (MODTRAN4) impl
ements a correlated-k (CK) approach for more accurate calculation of m
ultiply scattered radiance. Comparisons to cloud measurements demonstr
ate the viability of the CK approach. The impact of these upgrades on
predictions for AVIRIS viewing scenarios is discussed for both clear a
nd clouded skies; the CK approach provides refined predictions for AVI
RIS nadir and near-nadir viewing. (C) Elsevier Science Inc., 1998