The use of cyclophosphamide, an anti-cancer and immunosuppressant drug
, is accompanied by a number of side-effects. We investigated the rela
tionship between cyclophosphamide-induced diabetes and increased inner
membrane permeability of pancreas mitochondria. Injection of a single
dose of cyclophosphamide (350 mg/kg body weight) reduced the weight o
f rats and increased their blood glucose level to 8.4 +/- 0.09 mM. The
ability of pancreas mitochondria of treated rats to accumulate and re
tain Ca2+ and tetraphenyl phosphonium ion (TPP+) was sharply affected.
Rats injected with the same dose of cyclophosphamide plus cyclosporin
A (500 mu g/kg body weight) or cyclosporin A alone showed an increase
in weight and a fall in blood glucose to 5.1 +/- 0.07 mM or 4.83 +/-
1 respectively. The ability of pancreas mitochondria of the same soup
to accumulate and retain Ca2+ and TPP+ was restored to almost the leve
l of the control group (saline-injected). These results suggested that
cyclophosphamide may induce diabetes as a result of increasing the pe
rmeability of pancreatic inner mitochondrial membrane. There might be
relationship between the efficacy of cyclosporin A in preventing diabe
tes mellitus and its protective effect on this permeability. Med Sci R
es 26:447-450 (C) 1998 Lippincott-Raven Publishers.