Object. This study was conducted to evaluate the results of shunting p
rocedures for syringomyelia. Methods. In a follow-up analysis of 42 pa
tients in whom shunts were placed in syringomyelic cavities, the autho
rs have demonstrated that 21 (50%) developed recurrent cyst expansion
indicative of shunt failure. Problems were encountered in patients wit
h syringomyelia resulting from hindbrain herniation, spinal trauma, or
inflammatory processes. A low-pressure cerebrospinal fluid state occu
rred in two of 18 patients; infection was also rare (one of 18 patient
s), but both are potentially devastating complications of shunt proced
ures. Shunt obstruction, the most common problem, was encountered in 1
8 patients: spinal cord tethering, seen in three cases, may account Fo
r situations in which the patient gradually deteriorated neurologicall
y, despite a functioning shunt. Conclusions. Placement of all types of
shunts (subarachnoid, syringoperitoneal, and syringopleural) may be f
ollowed by significant morbidity requiring one or more additional surg
ical procedures.