Health-related quality of life has become an essential part of health
outcome measurement in chronic disorders. However, it is only recently
that health professionals have focused on quality-of-life assessment
in children and adolescents. Several generic, as well as the asthma-sp
ecific quality-of-life instruments specifically designed for use in ch
ildren and adolescents are reviewed in this article with particular re
gard to the conceptual and methodological features of the measures and
their applicability in clinical studies. The recently published Child
Health Questionnaire is a useful generic instrument to comprehensivel
y assess quality of life, in particular when comparing young people wi
th different chronic disorders. The Pediatric Asthma Quality-of-life Q
uestionnaire has shown responsiveness to change over time, but it lack
s age-specificity with regard to psychosocial issues and comprehensive
ness of quality-of-life assessment. In contrast, the Childhood Asthma
Questionnaire provides three different versions for different target a
ges. However, its generic part is not reflective of the respondent's h
ealth status. The other asthma-specific instruments have major concept
ual deficiencies when used as a single measure for quality-of-life ass
essment. In the absence of a single ideal instrument, the use of batte
ries of quality-of-life instruments is therefore recommended and furth
er research is required to identify the impact that age and developmen
tal status have on quality-of-life assessment.