In four new-born Braunvieh calves suffering from connate recumbency an
d body tremor, a hitherto not described myelination disorder of the sp
inal cord was examined. Bilateral symmetric hypo- as well as demyelina
tion in several spinal tracts were the most conspicuous findings, affe
cting the ascending gracile funiculus, the ascending dorsolateral spin
ocerebellar tract, and the mainly descending sulcomarginal tract. Defi
cient myelin production, loss of myelin, consecutive axonal degenerati
ons, and prominent astrogliosis within these tracts were the histologi
cal hallmarks of the disease. This possibly inherited primary myelinat
ion disorder of the spinal cord differs markedly from known hereditary
neurological diseases in Brown Swiss and Braunvieh cattle, respective
ly, i.e. the weaver-syndrome and the spinal muscular atrophy.